250 words 1 reference (from link provided) MUST HAVE IN-TEXT CITATIONS THAT MATCH REFERENCE
In response to DBP # 3 (VA Rule), one of your colleagues posted, "...the authors of the articles are using scare tactics, instead of evidence, ...to sway public opinion.
A few weeks ago, there was a Facebook post by the ASA circulating that used the same tactics. I opened and read the comments from the public.
It was sad how misinformed they [are]. Many of the comments [described] CRNAs [as] inferior and providing poor care. In order to combat this [attitude], I believe the CRNA associations need to start writing and circulating the research articles to prove otherwise."
Additionally, a CRNA recently posted the following on the AANA's Connect All Member Community: "...I asked four well-educated, non-medical people at a dinner party, if they would rather have a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist or an Anesthesia Assistant do their anesthesia for surgery.
After a few minutes of debate, they decided the Anesthesia Assistant works directly with the Anesthesiologist, so he/she probably knows more than the Nurse..."
Please take time to peruse the AANA Foundation's website:
What opportunities do you see for you as a student to participate?
Please explore the Publications and Abstracts link: What "gaps in the literature" do you notice?
Please explore the Research link: What recommendations would you make to address your colleague's point regarding the need for more "CRNA research?"