
What recommendations are you likely to make on treatment


Tuberculosis is a global pandemic causing 1.5 million deaths and 9 million individuals infected(Tuberculosis 2015). It is estimated that 480,000 people have developed multidrug resistant TB (Tuberculosis 2015).

Watch this Video on TB:

World Health Organization (WHO) members have endorsed a resolution supporting sustainable financing for TB prevention and control (Tuburculosis 2015). A meeting has been convened, led by Diana Weil at the behest of the WHO to come up with a consensus on where they want to focus the newly won sustainable financing. As part of this resolution member states need to fulfill their part of the commitment, some of which is financial, which means Congress needs to be updated on the issue.

The group has been tasked with arriving at a consensus on the biggest challenges and biggest priorities for TB treatment. During the second week of our discussion (week 3) your group will providing a briefing on current TB priority issues and treatments that will be given to Congress and other member state governments. The panel assembled represents many of the major players in the fight against TB. They represent industry, government, non profit and non government organizations. You will be playing the role of one of these panelists within your group.

Background Material:
Early Research and Treatment of TB
The Past & Future of Tuberculosis Treatment
WHO: Tuberculosis Still Taking a Toll
Addressing TB/HIV, MDR/XDR-TB and other challenges

Your Forum Assignment for week 2 is to answer the questions below from the perspective of your role no later than Wednesday and respond to 2 of your fellow group members in a manner that furthers your group towards consensus no later that Sunday as well as answer any questions asked by the press.

What are the 3 biggest challenges to effective TB treatment? **by the end of week 1 there needs to be group consensus on the answer to this question.

What are the 3 biggest priority issues surrounding TB? **by the end of week 1 there needs to be group consensus on the answer to this question.

What aspect of improving TB treatment are most interesting or most important to you as you personality?

What recommendations are you likely to make on treatment and how can this new commitment for sustainable funding be leveraged to help treat TB globally?


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