
What questions are the authors explicitly asking

Homework 2


Review the Integrated Project Overview document under Required Resources and the Research Proposal Development Resources under Suggested Resources. These tools are fundamental to your understanding of how to approach the first stage of research.

The introductory section of your Integrative Project (Research Proposal): include two significant descriptions:

o The area of practice that you have chosen for the project.
o The significance of this topic for the scientific community.

You will submit a draft of feedback. To complete this homework, you need to do the following:

1) Identify a topic as it relates to the field of psychology. The more specific and focused your topic, the more useful and comprehensive it will be. Present your topic that will guide your search of the literature. Be sure, as you identify your topic, to identify the context that the population inhabits. Consider identifying gender, developmental stage, age range, region, diagnoses or health status, intervention or therapy, homework tools, racial identity, ethnic identity, class, history and other specifics associated with the questions that you wish to explore.

2) Identify the knowledge gap or problem you wish to address. In your proposal, your readers will need to understand why this research is needed and how it would contribute to the overall knowledge pool. To help with this process, become familiar with existing literature. As you read the work of others, consider the following:

a. What types of problems are all or most of the authors attempting to address?
b. What questions are these authors explicitly asking? What questions might they be implicitly asking?

3) Create a research question that serves as the guiding question for the proposal, which should include a valid reason for your positioning. The research question should determine the scope of your proposal.

Walkthrough: You may view the following walkthrough video to help you complete the Draft:

o Draft of Walkthrough.


Use the appropriate template (qualitative or quantitative) that is located in the resource section.

You must use the required subheadings that are listed in the templates provided.

1) Title page: Include a brief yet descriptive title of 15 words or less.

• For tips on writing titles, read the How to Write an Effective Title and Abstract and Choose Appropriate Keywords document linked in the Resources.

2) Abstract: Leave this blank for now..

3) Table of contents (TOC).

4) Introduction: Start your proposal by presenting "the problem being investigated, the importance of the study, and an overview of your research strategy. Use the literature to support your statement of the problem."

5) Background of the Problem

• What do we know so far about the area of the literature that you reviewed?

• What do you think we need to know to advance the knowledge base?

• How will this new knowledge serve the stakeholders (scientists, care providers, families, patients, institutions) that may in turn be served by implementation of new developments?

6) Statement of the Problem

• Identify the gap in research or the need for additional research in your area.

7) Purpose of the Study

• Why does the problem deserve new research?

• Are you resolving inconsistency in previous research? Extending the reach of a theory? Solving a social problem?

8) Significance of the Study

• Describe the significance of the proposed investigation by explaining how the results promise to advance the scientific knowledge base. In three sentences or fewer, explain how this inquiry is original.

9) Research Question(s)

• Articulate whether the research question is a qualitative or a quantitative question and provide a rationale. For quantitative research questions, include your hypothesis or hypotheses.

10) Definition of Terms

• For a qualitative study, the definition of terms should relate to how the participants should interpret the definitions.
• For a quantitative study, the definition of terms should relate to how the variables will be quantified.

11) Research Design

• Discuss the method and how the question will be answered. Be sure to make mention of the relevant APA Code of Ethics, but not how you intend to address them. How you will address the codes and ensure they are adhered to will be covered.

Format your homework according to the following formatting requirements:

(1) The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

(2) The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

(3) Also include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Other Subject: What questions are the authors explicitly asking
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