
What questions about culture infanttoddler development and

Cultural Differences in Caregiving Practices

Reflect on the following quotation as you consider your learning this week:

"It may seem that cultural differences have little to do with the nitty-gritty of meeting children's needs. After all, how many different ways can there be to feed, clean, carry, dress, and touch children and provide for rest and warmth?" (Gonzalez-Mena, 2008, p.15)

Post your responses to the following questions:

What insights have you gained about your own identity, including your cultural framework?

How might your cultural framework influence your interpretation of what is "normal" for infants and toddlers?

What initial ideas do you now have for building culturally responsive and respectful relationships with families of infants and toddlers?

What questions about culture, infant/toddler development, and working with families do you now have that you would like to explore in this course?

Required Resources

Course Text: Gonzalez-Mena, J. (2008). Diversity in early care and education: Honoring differences (5th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.


Chapter 1, "Perceiving and Responding to Differences"

Course Text: Day, M., & Parlakian, R. (2004). How culture shapes social-emotional development: Implications for practice in infant-family programs. Washington, DC: Zero to Three.

Read pp. 1-3 (up to "What Is Social-Emotional Development?")

Read pp. 11-13 (up to "Exploring and Learning from the Environment")

Article: Phillips, C. B., & Cooper, R. M. (1992). Cultural dimensions of feeding relationships. Click for more options In The caregiver's companion: Readings and professional resources - Infants, toddlers, and caregivers (pp. 95-101). Washington, DC: Zero to Three.

Reproduced with permission of Zero to Three in the format Scan via Copyright Clearance Center.

Read pp. 98-99, "Principles for Observing Dimensions of Culture"

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