What qualities important within healthcare leadership

Assignment task: In this reflective essay you need  to found two nurse important leadership quality and critique contemporary nursing leadership theories, core competencies and  capabilities and their importance to individual nursing profession, you are expected to draw upon both your undergraduate student nursing experiences and the contemporary peer-reviewed literature to address questions regarding leadership. and skill need to become a good leader and  leadership style While employing a first-person writing style is suitable for this task, it is essential to substantiate your critique and justifications with evidence from peer-reviewed sources..

1. Introduction

2. Nursing leadership theory

Reflect on your clinical placements and identify two (2) qualities that were displayed by nursing leaders.

Firstly, critique these qualities within the nursing leadership style and skill you believe they most closely align with : (Egg; Transformational, and  Autocratic leadership.  )

Secondly, provide an argument of whether each quality that you chose aligns with effective leadership

You must support your critique and arguments with evidence from the peer-reviewed literature none hold than 10 years.  .

3. Than reflect on yourself as a nurse leader

Reflect on your own nursing practice and identify two (2) qualities that you want to develop further as an emerging nurse leader. (Emotional Intelligence, communications)

Firstly, justify why these qualities why are important within healthcare leadership?

Secondly, identify a strategy you can employ to strengthen each quality.

You must support your justification and strategies with evidence from the peer-reviewed literature. None late than 10 years hold

4. Conclusion

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Reference No:- TGS03379067

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