What qualified medical expense for hsa purposes

Problem: Rose Jones, age 57, is single Rose earned wages of $52,000 and was enrolled the entire year in a high deductible health plan (HDHP) with self-only coverage During the yeah ost contributed $2,000 to her Health Savings Account (HSA) and her mother also contributed $1,000 to Rose's HSA Rose's Form W-2 shows $850 in Box 12 with code W. She has Form 5498-SA showing $3,850 in Box 2." his Rose took a distribution from her HSA to pay her unreimbursed expenses:

o 8 visits to a physical therapist after her knee surgery $400

o unreimbursed doctor bills for $1,100

o prescription medicine $280

o replacement of a crown $1,500

o deep cleaning for teeth: $300 o over the counter medication $40

o gym membership $240 .

Rose is a U.S. citizen with a valid Social Security number. The over the counter medicine is a qualified medical expense for HSA purposes. a. True b. False

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Accounting Basics: What qualified medical expense for hsa purposes
Reference No:- TGS03425578

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