
What purpose fda has been formulated and how much

To ensure promotion and protection of public health, every economy constitutes certain regulatory authorities, which examines the safety quotients of the food and medical products and approves it for general public. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is one of such authority, which is being formulated by US government, to protect and promote the public health. FDA keeps close watch on medicine and food processing, its constituents and its relative influence on public health. However certain cases of approving unsafe drugs and food items, causing sickness, health issues, or even deaths, has posed question mark over the regulatory norms and operational policies of the FDA. (Ross, 2010) Government makes billion dollars of investment on maintaining public health safety but certain incidences in past have posed doubt on the examination and approval processes of the FDA. (PHS, 2009) In consideration to such issues, the proposed research plan attempts to evaluate the validity of FDA norms and processes in current scenario and examines the relevancy of changes needed for efficiency improvement of FDA.

Research Objective

Specific objective of the research efforts is to examine the role of FDA in protection and promotion of public health and exploration of relevancy of changes needed to improve effectiveness of Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In nutshell, efforts will be made to find out the answer of question: Should changes be made to the Food and Drug Administration.

Research Questions

In order to align the whole research work and make it most justifiable it is needed to associate the research work with certain specific research questions. Such as

• What purpose FDA has been formulated and how much successful it is in its role?

• What are the loopholes of overall regulatory system of FDA

• Is it the limitations or the carelessness of the FDA authority which results in approval of unsafe drugs and food items, which causes serious issues to public health, and later withdrawn from market?

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Term Paper: What purpose fda has been formulated and how much
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