I. What influenced the beginnings of this movement and the principles they adhere to? How did the come up with the disease concept and the Twelve Steps?
II. What do you believe? Are the detrimental uses of chemicals and processes such as gambling, use of pornography, certain types of eating disorders, excessive video game playing and other obsessive-compulsive behaviors truly diseases or are there other explanations for these conditions? Support your point of view with available data.
III. Briefly describe each Step in your own terms, what purpose does the Step serve in recovery from addiction, and what are the benefits or possible detriments of the step?
IV. What are some of the criticisms of groups that employ the Twelve Steps? What do you believe, are Twelve Steps groups effective to facilitate change or are they ineffective and perhaps detrimental? Support your point of view.
V. What are alternatives to the 12 Step programs for people who desire to cease what we call substance use disorder and process addictions? Are these more effective than 12 Step approach? How did these methods work and how successful are they?