What psychoeducation services offered through local churches

Discussion Post

In your post, identify which question you are addressing. Refer to your course materials and outside scholarly resources to support your responses.

Choose from one of the following two options:

Option I: What differentiates Christian sex therapy from other forms of sex therapy? Compare and contrast both approaches. You may cite from professional websites for this post, along with scholarly resources. What additional training would you recommend for those who desire to become a sex therapy specialist?

Option II: What psychoeducation services might be offered through local churches to help identify, prevent and/or address sexual issues? What are potential barriers to offering these resources in the local church? Share with the class any resources or services currently available for local churches that you locate.

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: What psychoeducation services offered through local churches
Reference No:- TGS03147975

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