Specifications for a critical part for a DVD player state that the part should weigh between 22 and 26 ounces. The process that produces the parts yields a mean of 24.5 ounces and a standard deviation of 0.85 ounce. The distribution of the weights of the part is normal.
What proportion of parts will NOT meet the weight specs? _____________
If in a production month 1,000,000 of this part are produced, how many are expected to be discarded because of non-compliance to specs? (round up to the nearest unit) ____________
Each part costs $100 to produce. If in a production month 1,000,000 of this part are produced, what is the expected cost of the discarded parts for the month? _______________
If the production process for this part is redesigned, and the variation inherent in the process is improved, this redesign will result in:
Less discarded parts
More discarded parts
No change in expected number of discarded parts.