What proponent of alternative methods of agriculture


Assignment task:

Below, you'll find a dialogue between 3 friends who have recently left their environmental ethics course at a major university in the United States. They join 2 others at an on-campus restaurant.

In around 250 words, decide which character (if any) is likely a proponent of alternative methods of agriculture (i.e., not on a traditional American diet as described in EOWWE or lecture). Define and explain what conscientious omnivorism entails. Discuss, whether this philosophy would satisfy one of the characters whom you believe endorses alternative agriculture. Why or why not? Lastly, discuss which character's perspective you find to be more relatable to your own.

Riley leaves. Max, Drew, and Alexis walk across the street to a favorite restaurant. As they approach Max sees their two roommates already seated on the front patio, Nova and Taylor. The group joins them. After a few moments, the server approaches the table.

SERVER: Good afternoon everyone. You guys have been here before yeah? So before you decide on your orders, I wanted to let you know that we've made some changes to our menu.

DREW: (looking at the menu) I see that the prices are a bit higher than the last time I was here.

SERVER: Not only that, but according to my manager, our suppliers have been dealing with all kinds of supply chain issues and climate related losses so we can't serve all the crossed-out items. I'll be back with some waters.

MAX: Wow, we literally can't escape all this environmental discussion.

NOVA: Eventful day?

ALEXIS: Yup, we've already debated a bunch of topics. I can see Max is about to start another one. Everyone avoid eye contact!

TAYLOR: Letting Max stew for skipping out on the Gaia protest would be karma, but I'm always down to talk environment. 

MAX: I don't know about starting another debate, but I just wanted to say that climate change is happening! It's leading to unpredictable weather patterns, affecting the growing and availability of some crops. As Drew said, it's causing life to become more expensive.

DREW: Yeah, I mean I'm obviously with you on the climate change stuff, but it's just weird to see the effects in real-time.

SERVER: Sorry to butt-in, did you guys make any decisions?

ALEXIS: The only thing we've decided is that climate change is affecting every aspect of our lives, especially our food options.

SERVER: I've actually been thinking a lot about that. Since we do our best to source locally, some items have been hard to get and we'll probably have to permanently scrap them from the menu. During our shift meeting, our head chef admitted that we probably won't be able to afford to continue working with fair trade certified vendors on the stuff we do import. It must all be connected, right?

TAYLOR: Indeed! That's why I'll take the veggie patty.

DREW: Don't worry, I'm getting the mondo burger!

MAX: Oh no...

NOVA: So much for avoiding debate!

TAYLOR: Really?! After we just talked about climate change. You're going to eat that.

ALEXIS: The menu does say it is grass-fed and ethically raised. Sounds like this will be one of the last chances to get that kind of quality beef here.

SERVER: Guess I'll be back...

DREW: Besides, aren't you just murdering lentils or whatever rabbit food they put in that thing?

TAYLOR: No cow wants to become your dinner. Even if it had a decent life, I'm sure it wanted to continue to live.

ALEXIS: (nodding) Sure, but it is a better choice than the typical burger made of bits and pieces of a whole bunch of cows from a CAFO.

MAX: Baby steps, Taylor. At least he's supporting a better type of animal agriculture than traditional Americans.

NOVA: Wait, Alexis, do I want to know what a CAFO is?

TAYLOR:  Not really, especially if you plan on enjoying lunch!

DREW: Okay, you know what's funny, I don't think I've even had grass-fed beef. I wonder if it tastes funny. I grew up on Mickey-Ds.

TAYLOR: Tastes funny!? It's what cows are supposed to eat! They are grazers. How the hell do you think a cow shucks an ear of corn? We feed that to them to fatten them up.

DREW: I suppose I never really gave much thought to my food choices before. I just eat what I like.

ALEXIS: Most people don't. I'm sure you are not surprised that Taylor didn't come out of the womb vegan.

NOVA: So then maybe it's about progress, not perfection.

SERVER: Ya'll must have made up your mind by now!


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