What pronouns does the narrator use to refer to characters

Discussion Post

• Read the topic entitled "Point of View" and read the attached short story entitled "Cat in the Rain" by Ernest Hemingway, then answer the following questions.

o Was the short story told in the First, Second, or Third Person?
o What pronouns does the narrator use to refer to the characters?
o Is the narrator's point of view reliable or unreliable? Explain.

• Imagine that the short story was told from a different point of view, then answer the following questions.

o What would change in the story? Would the readers gain new knowledge from the new point of view? Explain.
o Would the readers feel differently about one or more of the characters if the story was told from a different point of view? Why or why not?

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: What pronouns does the narrator use to refer to characters
Reference No:- TGS03177485

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