
What program ensure health literacy in targeted population

Assignment task:

Chosen program: Service line for individuals' pre-Medicare program:

1. Health Literacy: Describe which elements of your program ensure health literacy among the targeted population. Consider the following questions to guide your response:

  • How would a lack of health literacy impact the patients and the program's activities?
  • How would health literacy among the targeted population improve the program's ability to achieve its outcomes?

2. Cultural Competence: Describe how you would make your program sensitive to various cultural practices and beliefs. Consider the following questions to guide your response:

  • Why is cultural competency one of the essential skills for a program planner?
  • How does your program address racial and economic disparities that are impacting your target populations' healthcare needs?

3. Social Justice Principles: Describe how you would apply social justice principles to your program planning and how their inclusion would help improve the program's ability to achieve its outcomes. Consider the following questions to guide your response:

  • Why is social justice important in the planning and implementation of healthcare programs?
  • Which two social justice principles does your program consider, and why does it consider them?

4. Key Ethical Principles: Describe how your program satisfies key ethical principles and how including these principles would help your target population. Consider the following questions to guide your response:

  • How does your program satisfy the principles of beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and justice?
  • What are two potential challenges you might face in applying ethical principles to your program's plan and design?

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Reference No:- TGS03380071

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