
What product category does the brand fit into and why have

Select one brand from the following:

1 - Hewlett Packard

2 - Subway

1. Target Customers/Users

Who are the target customers for the company/brand? Make sure you tell why you selected each item that you did.
Age Bracket: 
Income Bracket:
Education Level: 
Other items you would segment up on: 

How could/does the company reach its customers/users? What methods and media might and/or doesthe company use to reach the customers/users? Make sure you list the media type and why you think it will reach the customers.

What would grab the customers/users' attention?Why do you think this will capture their attention?

What do these target customers' value? Why do you think they value these items?

2. Competitors

Who are the brand's competitors? Provide at least 3 competitors and tell why you selected each competitor.
Competitor 1:
Competitor 2:
Competitor 3:

What product category does the brand fit into?Why have you placed this brand into the product category that you did?

What frame of reference will customers use in making a choice to use/purchase this brand/service?What other brands/companies might customers compare this brand to?

3. USP (Unique Selling Proposition)

How is this brand/company better than its competitors? What is the brand's USP (Unique Selling Proposition? Why have you decided upon this particular USP?

Unique Selling Proposition: 

What is the brand's uniqueness? Why do you think this is a key uniqueness for this business?

What is the competitive advantage of the brand? How is it different from other competing brands? Why do you consider this a competitive advantage?

What attributes or benefits does the brand have that dominate competitors? Why do you think they dominate?

4. Positioning Statement & Motto

Develop a new positioning statement and motto for the brand you selected. Below is an example of BMW's positioning statement and motto. Discuss why you created the items that you did?
- BMW Positioning statement: The brand for discerning customers of sports cars (target customers) who want an exhilarating experience (USP).
- BMW Motto: BMW is the ultimate driving machine.

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Dissertation: What product category does the brand fit into and why have
Reference No:- TGS02629302

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