
What problems you encountered and how you solved them how

Assignment: Virtual Server Practical

1) You are required to register an account with an IaaS virtual server hosting provider of your choice (or use an existing account if you have one), and then create a virtual server instance and install and configure a virtual server running a version of Linux of your choosing. Test your server by logging in using SSH and checking the processes that are running. Please note that you can undertake this activity without incurring costs, there are free trial accounts with various providers that you can use for this task. [5 marks]

2) You are required to configure and test a Web server running on your virtually hosted server that you created in part 1). Install and configure a web server, serving out a default web page that you have created. The web page should contain at least your name, the subject name "ITC514 Network and Security Administration - Assessment 3" and may contain other content that you choose to create. Test the operation of your web server using an external client requesting the web page that you have created. [5 marks]

Submit a learning diary for these activities in which you should include:

• A description of the steps you undertook to undertake questions 1 and 2;
• Screenshots from your client device validating the operation of the virtual server and the web server;
• Your Web server configuration, including a copy of the HTML content of your web page;
• What problems you encountered and how you solved them;
• How much time you spent on each part of the exercise.

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Computer Networking: What problems you encountered and how you solved them how
Reference No:- TGS02446021

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