
What problem is the technology aiming to solve


Can you please use the Google scholar articles to answer the below questions? Can you please provide the havard reference as well? Thank you.

The topic is about "cloud-native platforms"

1. Technology: Provide an overview of the technology (cloud-native platforms) assigned to you. What problem is this technology aiming to solve? Does solve it completely?

2. Stakeholders: Discuss the impact the technology (cloud-native platforms) may have on a variety of stakeholders (for example the organization, employees, users, society, community, etc.).

3. Drivers of Change: Determine factors that may help accelerate and factors that hinder the adoption of such technology (cloud-native platforms). Consider grouping the factors based on the PESTLE framework (What cross-impact exists between these factors?).

4. Projections: How could the influencing factors develop? How could the technology (cloud-native platforms) develop based on the development of influencing factors?

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Computer Engineering: What problem is the technology aiming to solve
Reference No:- TGS03222440

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