
What problem has gary observed and why is he researching

Gary Taubes: Why we Get Fat.

Why We Get Fat by CTV Santa Cruz County (Youtube Video)

1. What problem has Gary observed and why is he researching this?

2. What type of scientist is Gary? (What is his background....How is he approaching this problem)

3. What does he state as one of the common pitfalls in science??? "As soon as you think you understand something......"(he mentions this about 2 and a half minutes into his talk)

4. What are some of the diseases associated with obesity?

5. What is the NationalInstitute of Health's belief on why we get fat?

6. What is the "increased prosperity" hypothesis?

7. Why does Gary disagree with the increase prosperity hypothesis

8. What causes Gary to question this hypothesis?

9. What is Gary's belief on practicing energy balance?

10. What is the paradox of lipodystrophy? (relate this to overeating or under eating)

11. Why does Gary say that "if you take in more energy than you expend" that you are not mentioning anything meaningful? (what's missing in the law of thermodynamics?)

12. Does our approach to obesity come from pre-world War II German scientists or Post World War II young American scientists?(Why did this happen?)

13. What does Gary claim we need to understand with regard to fatty acids and how does this relate to whether or not fat cells get bigger? (We get fatter) (about 55:40 minutes into the video)

14. How does insulin play a role in fat metabolism? (What makes fat tissue fat?)

15. What are your final thoughts on why we get fat? (relate this to the type of calories we consume)

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Biology: What problem has gary observed and why is he researching
Reference No:- TGS02487277

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