What proactive steps can be taken to hold our emotions

Discussion Post: Self-Disclosure

Self-disclosure can be a rewarding, but often challenging, exercise to determine our own communication challenges. The Johari Window offers a non-threatening model to help provide feedback and communication among peers and co-workers. Watch the YouTube video "Johari Window in Interpersonal Communication".

Sometimes, we may forget about all the emotions present at work. Some of these emotions result from personal difficulties, work pressure and stress, and/or the ability to perform beyond our potential.

• Based on your readings and regardless of the emotions experienced at work, having a strategy to deal with emotions and conflicts can help to create a happier work environment.

• What proactive steps can be taken to hold our emotions in check in the face of ineffective communication and leadership practices?

• How can self-disclosure facilitate effective communication in the workplace? Be creative in your answer!

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Other Subject: What proactive steps can be taken to hold our emotions
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