
What predictions about global climate

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This document provides the questions associated with each of the 5 TED Talks below. Review , and answer the associated questions, for all 5 Ted Talks.

A. Lee Hotz -2010 - Inside an Antarctic Time Machine

1. Why is the Antartic Ice Sheet an important source of understanding Earth's past climate?

2. Discuss something about this talk that made an impression on you. The impression can be positive or negative. Was there something about it you didn't like? Was there something new you learned? Did something in particular give you added insight or revelations about this topic?

B. James Hansen - 2012 - Why I must speak out about climate change.

1. What predictions about global climate were made in Hansen's 1981 Science article and which of them came true?

2. Discuss something about this talk that made an impression on you. The impression can be positive or negative. Was there something about it you didn't like? Was there something new you learned? Did something in particular give you added insight or revelations about this topic?

C. Gavin Schmidt - 2014 - The emergent patterns of climate change.

1. What processes are involved with making climate models? What makes climate models skillful?

2. Discuss something about this talk that made an impression on you. The impression can be positive or negative. Was there something about it you didn't like? Was there something new you learned? Did something in particular give you added insight or revelations about this topic?

D. David MacKay -2012 - A reality check on renewables.

1. 90% of global energy consumption comes from fossil fuels. What would be required to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy? Think globally.

2. Discuss something about this talk that made an impression on you. The impression can be positive or negative. Was there something about it you didn't like? Was there something new you learned? Did something in particular give you added insight or revelations about this topic?

E. Johan Rockstrom -2010 - Let the environment guide our development.

1. What does Mr. Rockstrom mean by nonlinear change and how does it affect ecosystems and our study of ecosystems?

2. Discuss something about this talk that made an impression on you. The impression can be positive or negative. Was there something about it you didn't like? Was there something new you learned? Did something in particular give you added insight or revelations about this topic?

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