What potential order effect would be more likely to occur


Use the fabricated data inspired by the following study in order to answer the question below:

Yik, M., Widen, S. C. & Russell, J. A. (2013). The within-subjects design in the study of facial expressions. Cognition and Emotion, 27, 1062-1072.

Influence of Facial Expressions on Emotion

In this study Yik, Widen, and Russell examined whether one's judgment of the emotion expressed by a face is influenced by the emotion on faces viewed previously. To that end, 344 participants were recruited from two university participant pools. The participants viewed 17 photographs of faces making seven different expressions. After viewing each face, the participants labeled the emotion of the face using seven response alternatives (surprise, happy, fear, anger, sad, disgust, sick). This procedure was repeated nine times with the order of the faces varying from trial to trial. The study was designed so that the disgust face was preceded by angry expressions (anger, fear) or sad expressions (sad, sick). The results indicated that participants accurately identified the disgust face when it was preceded by angry expressions, but not when it was preceded by sad expressions. This study describes how order effects can introduce bias in within-subjects designs.

Suppose the researchers of the study described in the scenario increased the number of trials from 9 to 99. What potential order effect would be more likely to occur?

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