
What possible changes could be made to victim impact panels

Victim Impact Panels are typically used as an intermediate sanction with driving under the influence/driving while intoxicated (DUI/DWI) offenders to address their specific offense and bring together victims of drunk/influenced drivers with perpetrators in the hopes of making the offender realize the potential lifelong damaging consequences of his or her actions.

In these panels, groups of offenders listen to presentations given by victims and victims' rights groups, and there is not much offender interaction with the presenters.

Do you feel that victim impact panels are as effective as they could be with offenders? Why, or why not? What possible changes could be made to victim impact panels, following the restorative justice model and evidence-based practices, that could have more effect on offenders in order to help reduce their recidivism? Please remember to support your opinion.

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Dissertation: What possible changes could be made to victim impact panels
Reference No:- TGS02219597

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