
What physical and cognitive capabilities would be necessary


Among other distinguishing characteristics. one notable feature associated with the genus Home is the presence of stone tools that are relatively consistent in form' found in association with hominin fossilsmoldowan stone tools (generally found in association with Homo habilis/rudolfensis) and Acheulean hand axes {generally found in association with Homo erectus/ergaster).

Discuss the following questions:

1. What might these tools have been used for?

2. What does the presence of each of these tools tell us about the hominins who made them - that is, what physical and cognitive capabilities would be necessary to produce, as well as pass on the knowledge of how to produce. this kind of tool?

3. In terms of cultural/archaeological artifacts - what kinds of things may be missing from the archaeological record {i.e.. what kinds of things don't we currently know about early Homo species?)

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Biology: What physical and cognitive capabilities would be necessary
Reference No:- TGS03253488

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