What philosophical statements did your characters explore


On a separate piece of paper, answer the following questions in paragraph form. Please be as detailed as possible. 2-4+ pages.

1. What grade have you earned in this class? (Give a letter grade, even if you are taking the class for Credit.) Please be specific about why you give the assessment that you do.

Does your final portfolio contain work that affects your grade substantially?

2. In general, how would you describe your writing? What are your greatest strengths? Weaknesses?

If you were asked to spend 30 minutes writing about yourself during the process of applying for a job (in other words, if you were writing without spell or grammar check...), what aspect of your writing would the reader be most impressed with? What might s/he be critical of?

3. What kind of assignments tend to be easy for you? What do you struggle with?

What assignment in this class did you like the most? What was most helpful to you? What kind of writing will you do in the future in your work and personal life?

Is there anything relating to your life that you would like to work on in 305W (probably your next writing class)?

4. Which presentation was most helpful to you? What do you wish we had covered? Do you have any recommendations for students in the next class regarding topic or method of presentation?

5. Specifically what did you do with your Dialogue Essay?

What philosophical statements did your characters explore?

6. What single thing should incoming students know about this class? What would you have done differently if you could do it over again (if anything)?

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Other Subject: What philosophical statements did your characters explore
Reference No:- TGS02366494

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