
What perpetrator is committing the highest median losses is

Report to the Nation Assignment:

Can be found on the AFCE website

Please answer the following questions by finding the answers within the Report to the Nation's 2016 report. It would be very helpful to you if you used the Table of Contents included with the Report to find the answers. Insert your answers and page numbers from the Report to the Nations document in this document and submit via the course tab.

1. The cases submitted for review and to be included in the Report to the Nations must have met 4 criteria. What were the criteria?

2. What were the top 2 positions of the participants submitting cases to the ACFE?

3. List 2 regions in the Report and state what were the top 5 schemes committed in the region, total cases, and % of cases for each region.

4. What type of scheme was either the top one or two schemes in EVERY region?

5. What was the median duration of the frauds committed? Why do you think they lasted this long?

6. Fill in the blank - the longer the frauds are committed, the larger the __________________.

7. What are the top 2 ways that frauds are detected?

8. The perpetrators section of the report indicate:

A. What perpetrator is committing the highest median losses?

B. What was the most frequently reported type of scheme based on the #'s of perpetrators?

C. Is it male or female that is committing the most frauds?

D. What age group of perpetrator is committing the most frequent amount of frauds?

E. What age group of perpetrator is committing the most median losses in frauds?

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Operation Management: What perpetrator is committing the highest median losses is
Reference No:- TGS02735131

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