
What performance measures have you encountered at work are

Textbook - Becoming a Master Manager: A Competing Values Approach, Fifth Edition.

Chapter 3 - Improving Productivity And Increasing Profitability

Consider these and other thoughts on what you studied this week when doing your journal:

What performance measures have you encountered at work? Are they effective, fair and consistent?

What management techniques do you deem best for encouraging compliance with company standards? Positive/negative consequences?

What is the Mission and Vision Statement of your organization? Is is once read and then forgotten or is it reinforced continuously?

How are goals and objectives set in your organization? MBO program?

Is the S.M.A.R.T. system the best way to structure attaining goals?

What motivates you most in your job, life? Can you describe some good and bad motivation techniques you have encountered.

For you, does motivation come from within (intrinsic) or outside (extrinsic)?

How do you feel about content versus process theories of motivation?

Do you feel empowered and engaged at work?

Is your organization organized properly for maximum effectiveness?

Can you feel the organizational culture of your organization? Does your organization have the right people in the right positions for positive results?

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Management Theories: What performance measures have you encountered at work are
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