
What percentage of all trainees will score in given range

The Anxiety General Stress Test (ANGST) has been designed to gauge the level of psychological stress management trainees experience when they are under pressure.

For a random sample of trainees the scores are as follows: 47, 49, 53, 53, 54, 58, 61, 64, 75, 81.

Complete the calculations below using this data. Show all of your work and clearly label each of your calculations.

What is the z score equivalent of ANGST = 81?

What is the probability that someone selected at random will score 81 or lower?

What percentage of all trainees will score between 60 and 75?

Copy and paste your calculations for the three problems from Excel to Word and submit one Word document with your clearly labeled calculations and interpretations.

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Mathematics: What percentage of all trainees will score in given range
Reference No:- TGS0544651

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