What percent of total population think saying f to be true

In 1991, author Tom Heymann took an unofficial U.S. census. The table shows how many people believed various common sayings, based on the sample of the population that he surveyed.

A. 175,104,000-- Look before you leap.
B. 69,312,000-- The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
C. 153,216,000-- Haste makes waste.
d. 149,568,000-- Beauty is only skin deep.
E. 160,512,000-- don't cry over spilled milk.
F. 136,800,000-- The early bird catches the worm.
G. 155,040,000-- A penny saved is a penny earned.
H. 169,632,000-- don't count your chickens before they hatch.

1. About 7/10 of the U.S. Population in 1991 believed saying A to be true. What is the total population?

2. About what percent of total population believed saying F to be true? (Use your calculator. Round to the nearest whole percent.)

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Mathematics: What percent of total population think saying f to be true
Reference No:- TGS0698129

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