
What people with pcos the elevated androgenic hormones cause

Question: PCOS has been linked to a few things over the years including hormonal imbalance, genetic inheritance, and insulin resistance. People with PCOS have been found to have high levels of androgenic hormones which normally these levels are low and controlled in females. In people with PCOS the elevated androgenic hormones causes them to develop secondary male characteristics like dark course facial hair like this patient reported that they noted at age 13. They have also found that the irregular or absent ovulation is caused by the secretion of luteinizing hormone which then reduces the follicle stimulating hormone causing less estrogen and reduces the likely hood of ovulation occurring. PCOS has been found to be genetic and seems to run in families. These patients are also likely to be obese or overweight which is linked to insulin resistance and there for is likely linked to type 2 diabetes


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Biology: What people with pcos the elevated androgenic hormones cause
Reference No:- TGS03406494

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