What patterns and themes do you see in the responses

Discussion Post

Your discussion for this exercise is to think of one example in your own student or work experience where the walk and talk in a corporate culture did not align. Why do you think the gap occurred? Then interview four other people for examples of when an organization's espoused values did not align with the values in action. Also ask them why they think the walk and talk differed. Summarize the findings from your interviews:

My example (and why):
Second person's examples (and why):
Third person's examples (and why):
Fourth person's examples (and why):
Fifth person's examples (and why):

What patterns and themes do you see in the responses? Is there a common type of walk/talk gap? What is the most common reason why these gaps occur? Which is the real culture-the leaders espoused values or the values in actions.

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Business Management: What patterns and themes do you see in the responses
Reference No:- TGS03064594

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