What pattern of feeling or behavior you would like to change

Assignment Task:

Watch the video to familiarize yourself with the ABC model. Then use the model to identify a thought process and the ensuing consequences that you would like to change in your life. By filling in each step in the framework below, propose a way to change this behavior using Ellis' Rational Emotive therapy. You will receive partial credit for using an example that was given in the text or videos, but you will only receive full credit if your example in some way differs from the examples that have already been given.

1. Briefly explain the pattern of feeling or behavior that you would like to change. Make sure to provide enough context for me to understand how your example relates to the ABC model.

2. Identify the ABCs. (Activating Event, Beliefs, Consequences). Make sure to give enough context or explanation for me to clearly evaluate your understanding of each component of the model.

3. Propose a way to change the pattern. Be specific about what actions you would take.

YouTube Video: ABC model of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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Reference No:- TGS03363480

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