
What parts of the data was most interesting to you which

A reflection essay based on the BLS Occupations Projects data. see the file attached

Ideas to get you started:

What parts of the data was most interesting to you? Which occupations?

Which occupations might require more than just a BS degree?

Did any of the data surprise you or strike you as odd?

How does pay correlate to projected number of new jobs?

How does projected replacement needs data correlate to projected new jobs data?

Does any of the data cause you to doubt your career choice or to want to change to a different computer-related choice?


Your essay should be typed in Word, double-spaced, using a 12-point, serif, proportional spaced font (e.g. Times New Roman) for body text. Use one-inch margins. Titles and headings can be of another font.

A cover page should include the paper title, your name, the date, and the name of the course.

Not counting the cover page, the paper should be more than Three and half pages and no more than five pages long.

Indicate new paragraphs by indenting the first line by ½-inch, not an extra line.

Writing should be formal and correct, but first person may be used. Mechanics, usage, sentence formation, and paragraph formation will be allocated 40% of the points.

Poorly written essays will be graded for writing only and no points will be allocated for content.
contents are important as well

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Term Paper: What parts of the data was most interesting to you which
Reference No:- TGS02209121

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