
What parts of the book were especially strong or insightful

Turner : US History
Book Precis

Part One: Objective Summary

This part of the essay should present information as objectively as possible, meaning without your opinion. It should include:

• The overall argument that the author is making, including the author's thesis, the kinds of support provided, and so forth.

• The historical context for the argument:

o What is the book about?

o What time period is the author writing about?

o What place/location is the author writing about?

o What is the author's purpose for writing the book?

o What topics are treated in this book?

o What arguments are made by the author?

Part Two: Critical Analysis

In this part of the essay you will offer your informed opinions about the work. You will assess the strengths and weaknesses of the book and discuss the implications of its reasoning for future study of the subject area. The following questions may help you get started:

• What parts of the book were especially strong or insightful, and why?

• What aspects of the book resonate most with you? Why?

• In what ways is this book useful for understanding the historical topic covered?

• How do topics addressed in the book connect to issues of concern in contemporary U.S. society?

• What connections can you make between topics covered in this book and current events?

• Be sure to use quotes to support your assertions.

Walking With the Wind: A Memoir of the Movement by John Lewis

Instructions/Guidelines Page and Layout Requirements:

• Your paper should be 2-4 pages typed, and double-spaced.

• Use either Arial or Times New Roman 12 pt. font

• 1" margins at the top, bottom, left, and right are required.

• A Bibliography page should be included at the end with the full bibliographic citation in Chicago Style Manual format of the book.

Form: A précis is a summary and critical evaluation of a piece of scholarly work.

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Dissertation: What parts of the book were especially strong or insightful
Reference No:- TGS02264009

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