Jarrod's behavior
Jarrod is an 11-year-old Caucasian male in a 5th-6th grade combination classroom in your district. Your school serves a predominantly middle to upper middle-class suburban neighborhood. Jarrod is healthy, well-nourished with a history of good attendance. Jarrod's family moved to your district prior to his 3rd grade year. His school records indicate that his 1st and 2nd grade teachers were concerned about possible attentional problems, excessive motor activity and a good deal of complaining about not liking school. Jarrod's mother reports that the teachers were not sensitive to Jarrod's learning style or needs.
They suggested medication of ADHD and a referral for counseling. Shortly after moving to your district Jarrod had an independent psychoeducational evaluation. The result suggested an exceptional IQ (DSIQ on the WISC-III of 142 with no significant learning weaknesses noted), and very strong achievement (all academic areas at the 6th or 7th grade level, except math which was at the 9th grade level).
The psychologist also noted some anxiety and dislike of school, and difficulties in the friendship area. Jarrod has been participating in programming for gifted and talented students in your district and has accelerated programming in small a group for math. His parents are pleased with the concern your district has shown Jarrod and are willing to work with the school in any way possible. Ms. Tremaine, Jarrod's 5th grade teacher, recently approached you with the following concerns: Jarrod has not been participating in class. He spends time with his head on the desk, reading science fiction novels, or generally being inattentive.
He repeatedly gets into conflicts with other students. He is rude to others, doesn't participate with other children, in fact, he doesn't seem to know the names of the other children in his class. He rarely completes assignments and doesn't seem to care much about is academic performance. He is currently performing at about a C level in academics. Ms. Tremaine is requesting consultation and assistance in working with Jarrod.
1. What parts of Jarrod's behavior are "really a problem" and why? Which behaviors would you focus on first?