• Question I: Teachers and students must cooperate to sustain the 'reality' of the classroom. What are some of the ways in which a teacher and a class cooperate, in your experience? What particular patterns of behavior and types of language recur? What comprises a 'violation'? What changes do you notice between the various levels of schooling, that is, primary, secondary, and college or university? And between types of class, that is, lecture, tutorial, laboratory, seminar, and so on.
• Question II: Has developing technology - from caller ID to mobile phones to text messaging to Snapchat - changed openings and closings of conversations from the descriptions provided in research in the 1960s-1980s? If so, what differences do you see across these different modes of communication? Are there differences between language users according to age, as we might expect with change over time? Are there different conventions for different types of exchanges?
• Question III: If we say that we want to get at 'natural' speech, what does that mean? Is the way you speak to your family and close friends the natural way for you to speak in all situations? If you use different languages, dialects, or styles in different contexts, is one or the other more natural than the others? What is the role of context in determining what natural speech is?