
What particular assessments will help you to monitor

Assignment: Literacy Profile and Plan

Part 1

Approximately 200 words. Most of this section will be presented in a table and/or included in your appendices - remember that information included in tables does not go towards word count. The 200 words will go towards your introduction and a summary that provides a general overview of what was included in the table.

This section requires that you produce literacy profiles for a small group of children (we will provide you with raw data, via media files and work samples. You will not need to source these students yourselves). You will be given the data in your week 1 seminar.

Having documented the literacy skills of these students (focusing on reading or writing - you will not be doing both), choose and discuss ONE common need that you have identified that all the children share. You will need to justify your choice in this introduction, providing evidence in your appendices (the assessment data that you used) to support your choice. You will have access to some of the following assessment data:

These data sets are authentic classroom assessment documents. You'll find that some of the points down below are more detailed for some students than others. Some of the points down below are missing for some students (e.g. students engaged in verbal ‘partner planning' rather than documenting their plan so their planning document is missing; some students planned a writing piece but then wrote about something different; teacher notes for comprehension are very brief on some documents; some teachers did not fill in the MSV analyses on their running record form, etc.). You will need to work with the data set that you are given, as is the case in an authentic setting when student data is passed on between teachers.

For those of you who will be focusing on ‘Reading':
- The Fountas and Pinnell running record documents (reading behaviours) for 3 of 4 students. In some cases you'll have some data for all 4 students (fiction and non-fiction).
- The answers that 3 of the 4 children gave after reading the Fountas and Pinnell text (comprehension). Again, you may have more data sets than this in your folder.
- A video of one child reading a Fountas and Pinnell text. You will need to complete a running record on this child.
- A video of that child answering the questions that go with the Fountas and Pinnell text. You will need to fill in the comprehension section of the running record, reflecting the child's answers to these questions.

For those of you who will be focusing on ‘Writing':
- Children's writing plans.
- Draft writing sample/s (and in some cases, teacher assessment rubrics).
- A spelling list (using the Words Their Way spelling list) for all 4 children.
- Blank ‘Words Their Way' diagnostic grids. You will need to fill in an assessment grid for each of the four children to assess their spelling skills.

You will outline the students' strengths and areas of need as they relate to your focus (e.g. reading or writing skills) in a table in the body of your report with links to the Victorian Curriculum, using evidence from the data that you have collected (remember to include the data that you used to inform your profile, in the appendices). You will need to identify one common area of need that all the students share. If you cannot identify a need that all the children share, identify one that the majority share. You will need to justify here and/or in Part 2 why/how the fourth child will benefit from engaging in your Part 3 mini-lesson even though their data did not identify a shared need with his/her peers. You will need to accommodate this chosen area of need in your lesson planning, in Part 3 of this assignment. This focus will inform your discussion in Part 2.

Part 2

Approximately 1000 words

This section requires that you research your chosen focus with clear links to Part 1, coursework, what you plan to teach in Part 3 and literature. What does the literature have to say about the focus you have chosen? Which particular teaching approaches/strategies will most effectively help you to support these students to further develop their skills in this area (please make use of the MYREAD website and other literature here)? Which particular activities/tasks will be most effective in helping you to support this development and why? What particular assessments will help you to monitor learning/further needs/development? We want to see that you have read widely and have developed a deep understanding of the focus you have chosen.

Part 3

Approximately 800 words

This section requires that you plan a literacy experience that will incorporate 1 mini-lesson with these children as your students. This approx. 20-40 min mini-lesson will be based around the shared need you have identified in Part 1 and researched in Part 2. You will follow this with an outline of what you expect the students to do independently, clearly identifying the assessments you will use (how will you know that they've made progress?).


- The focus of the lesson: reflective of the focus listed in Parts 1 and 2 and linked to the Victorian Curriculum: English

- Resources needed;

- The teaching approaches and experiences that would be relevant for your chosen focus and the middle years learner, which have been clearly informed by your discussion in Part 2;

- What follow up activities and assessments will feature in your plan?


1. In your appendices you will need to include all of the assessment documents you have used to inform your focus for the small group of students. Note that this will mean that you will not need to include ALL of the assessment documents you may have completed in seminars, only those that are relevant to your chosen focus and that relate to your allotted group of students.

2. When submitting your assignment, you will also upload your four Tumblr reflections (reflections you have posted prior to this assignment being due) into the assignment folder. More about this will be explained in seminars. Instructions are also available in the Assignment folder in Cloud in the PowerPoint document entitled "Tumblr for ECL310 weekly reflections"

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Dissertation: What particular assessments will help you to monitor
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