
What part of the course engaged you most thoroughly and why

1.What part of the course engaged you most thoroughly and why?

The most part that engaged me on HUM 103 is the chapter eight" The World of Islam" because I was interested how other religion think about Islam. If they believed only on the media what are they talking about Islam or not. Moreover, I found something that I couldn't know about the Islam, especially the invention of Islam. In additional, the philosophy and technology at that time.

2.What part of the course did you unexpectedly benefit from and in what ways?

It's surprising, isn't it, how the all three largest religions in the world going smoothly one by after, starting with Judaism and how with Abraham and Moses are considered to be the founding fathers of Judaism in the Middle East over 4000 years ago. After that, Christians follow the teachings of Jesus Christ who believed to have been born to a virgin over 2000 years ago in Bethlehem. Finally, Islam is over 1300 years old, Founder by Muhammad who was born in Middle East. Islam believed that only one God exists and this God is called Allah.

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English: What part of the course engaged you most thoroughly and why
Reference No:- TGS0549562

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