What part of an e-mail do you examine

Problem: You are asked to assume the role of an employee of the DigiFirm Investigation Company. As part of its community outreach effort, the company is preparing a series of short presentations for local middle school students. The topics address how e-mail works and the types of information forensic e-mail investigations attempt to uncover. To prepare for your presentation, answer the following questions so that you can address them with middle school students during your talk:

  • To trace an e-mail, what part of an e-mail do you examine?
  • Which command(s) would you use?
  • What tools or websites can you use to determine ownership of an e-mail?
  • What tools would you use to explore e-mail on a server?
  • What types of files should you examine on a server?
  • What challenges do you think you would encounter when examining e-mail on a server?

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Basic Computer Science: What part of an e-mail do you examine
Reference No:- TGS03252505

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