What part is electric communication

Discussion Post

Explain the processes involved when drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, mescaline, or alcohol enter the brain. You may draw a diagram to amplify your explanation. Additionally, select one of the questions below to discuss.

• Would it be worse to have poorly functioning sensory neurons or motor neurons? Why?

• Neurons communicate using electrochemical communication. What part is "electric" communication and what part is "chemical" communication? Which do you think is more important? Why?

• Explain why having improper levels of neurotransmitters is not a good situation. Use a specific neurotransmitter to better explain your answer.

• If you had to live life without proper levels of one of your neurotransmitters, which would you choose? What would life be like? Is there anything you could do about it?

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: What part is electric communication
Reference No:- TGS03208867

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