
What part does your body and or your mind play in producing


So philosophers actually do bother themselves and others with questions concerning what is real. What a waste of time; I know what is real as it is right in front of me!

Are you dreaming? Have you just recently inhaled some cannabis or hashish? Did you drop acid (LSD) within the last hour? Are you self-medicated with alcohol to the point you are not talking sense much less thinking of driving? Are you color blind or totally blind? Have you never turned your head to more clearly see what just went past you only to find there is nothing there? When you burned your fingers in the flame, do you believe the pain sensation is something that was transmitted from the fire? And what of all your other sensations, whether they are of pain, color, be they ticklish or annoyingly loud? What part does your body and or your mind play in producing these?

Since HUMAN produce (these would all be fairly well understood bodily/neural functions) all humans own sensations and they are internal within you (indeed, impossible to be experienced by anyone else) and they are part of your consciousness only, to what extent might they be/not be representative of an external reality?

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