What outcomes would you anticipate - therapeutic effects


"You know Peggy, don't you? She's been so down lately," Brenda said as she, Christy, Bob, Jim and Jean dropped into chairs at a table in the Student Union. "She hasn't been at volleyball lately! We've missed her killer serve! I just saw her. She was mumbling and had hears in her eyes. She said she had gotten a couple of D's on her midterms ans was worried about losing her scholarship. Seems she hasn't ben able to concentrate on classes the past two or three weeks. But what really upset me was she said she doesn't enjoy much of anything any more, not even volley ball!"

"Did she complain of feeling tired? Listless?" asked Bob.

"Yes, she did," replied Brenda. "She said she's exhausted but can't seem to get a good night's sleep. Today she work up at 4 AM and couldn't get back to sleep. She told me she felt so depressed she could hardly get up. I asked her if anything was going on that might be related to this and she told me her ex-boyfriend is calling almost every night and often threatening suicide."

Brenda continued, "She told me she felt worthless as a student, and then ran into the ladies room in tears! I checked to make sure she was OK. I don't know what she can do. I'm worried about her! I know I would feel better if I knew what kinds of treatment are available for her."

"We can't diagnose her or recommend treatments, but we could help you pull together information on the kinds of professional services available on campus that might help Peggy," offered Bob. "My RA told me that the campus health center can diagnose and prescribe medication for mental health problems. I will follow-up and get some information for you to give Peggy."

A. What is the relevant objective and subjective assessment data from the case study?

B. What does this data indicate? What conclusions can you make? What is your preliminary diagnosis(es)?

C. Based on this CPG https://www.apa.org/depression-guideline , what non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic interventions will you use for your treatment plan? How does each intervention treat the pathophysiology of the diagnosis(es)? What is the priority for each intervention (which interventions are first versus later)?

D. What are the important prescribing considerations for the pharmacologic interventions?

E. write prescription for each medication you would prescribe, including all elements of a prescription.

F. What outcomes would you anticipate - therapeutic effects and adverse effects? How will you evaluate for these outcomes?

G. What patient education and follow up is required for the medications you have prescribed?

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Reference No:- TGS03344709

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