
What other similar healthcare organizations have the same

The organization for the paper can be the healthcare organization you selected for the discussions or you can select another healthcare organization.

It MUST be a healthcare organization. It should be a paper examining the organizational structure you selected.

You will submit three documents to the assignment folder:

1. The organizational chart itself

2. The relationship diagram you construct denoting the relationships between the organization and its stakeholders.

It is not just a stakeholder diagram but a relationship diagram. There is a link to "relationship diagrams" to instruct you how to create them.The diagram must have a legend describing the types of relationships. e.g. financial, vendor,

3. Your paper must use the six dimensions of critical thought with sub headings. Knowledge of the facts about the organization Comprehension of their organizational structure why they use it and implications for its design e.g. distribution of authority and responsibility, financial reasons, accreditation reasons .............

Application: What other similar healthcare organizations have the same structure? What other similar healthcare organizations use a different structure?

Why Analysis: do a root cause or comparative analysis (research what each type of analysis is/does) of the organization and the root causes for their choosing the structure they use?

Or you can compare this organization to a similar one using a different structure and analyze the pros and cons of each type Synthesis: Offer your own new idea as to how the organization might be organized differently to be a higher performer. More staff or moving titles around is not new.

Check your idea to see it its been done before Evaluation: What new measurable benefits will/could come from your new idea? What are the downsides of your new idea? how will they be measured? What unintended consequences may come if your new idea is implemented? Attached is a sample grading form I use to review your paper. It provides more detail about the six Bloom's dimensions.

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Dissertation: What other similar healthcare organizations have the same
Reference No:- TGS02924922

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