
What other qualifications are needed does the career demand

Essay regarding career research: Private Equity field

Assume your Myer's Briggs Type is INTJ (Introverted/Intuition/Thinking/Judging) personality type & Holland Code is EIC (Enterprising/Investigative/Conventional) and you are interested in the Finance Private Equity area as career.

Write a 4-5 page paper using at least two resources to answer 7 of the 11 questions.

Listed below are some of the questions you should be able to answer about a career before you commit significant amounts of time and money to its preparation.

You should use at least two resources to answer each qnstiOn. One resource may be a person you interview in your informational interview. Other resources may be found in EUREKA.

On a separate piece of paper. answer at least seven of the following questions. LiSt the resources following the answer.

1. What are the specific training or education requirements? What type of training? How much education is needed? Where are the schools located? What is the cost? What are the major courses required?

2. What other qualifications are needed? Does the career demand a certain trait. skill or aptitude that I do or do not have?

3. What are the duties of the job? Would I like it? Is it the sort of thing I could do for a long period of time? Do I work as a team member or alone? Is it important for me to be a self starter? Does it involve supervising others. if so. do I have the personality qualities to be a supervisor?

4. What is the work environment? Is the occupation only indoors? Factory? Office? Outdoors? What about the hours? Is the environment clean. dim. will I have to wear a uniform? Would I have to lift or carry things? Will I have to be physically fit? Will I have to sit or stand for long periods of time? is this a place I would like to work?

5. What is the earning potential? Will I be able to earn enough to support myself. My family? What is the earning potential 5-10- years from now?

6. Where could I find such a job? Only in a big city? Would I like the geographical location? Will I have to commute? If I would have to commute, how long of a commute? How will the commute affect my family life?

7. What is the employment outlook? Will there be openings after I complete my education?

8. Will the career permit me to live the lifestyle I seek? How much freedom will I have? What are the pressures? Will the job be at least somewhat in harmony with my personal values, interests, personality, etc.?

9. Does this career mean I will be forced to work for a big company? Small company? Will I be self employed? If so, would I be able to cope with it? What indUstries will be able to use my services? 1.11 will need to be self employed, what 'will I need to know to start my own business?

10. After education or training would I be able to be employed in any other career? What other career paths will or could be available to me? Will I need to continue my education to be continually updated in my career area?

11. What is my first step in setting a career goal? What do I hope to accomplish within the next six months? Within the next year? Within the next year & 1/2? Within the next two years? etc.

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Dissertation: What other qualifications are needed does the career demand
Reference No:- TGS02265830

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