What other common hazards do healthcare practitioners face

Problem 1: While many people think of the healthcare industry as "clean," medical providers continue to accidentally contract diseases from incidents in the workplace. For example, Sheila, an emergency room nurse with 15 years of experience, had just finished drawing blood from a patient when she disposed of the needle in the sharps container and felt a prick through her glove from a used needle that was hung up in the drop-down container lid. Several months later, Sheila learned that she had not only been infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) but also the hepatitis C virus. Other diseases healthcare practitioners often contract through needlesticks include methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, hepatitis B, malaria, syphilis, herpes, and many less common diseases.

A. In your opinion, were there precautions that Sheila could have taken in the emergency room where she worked to prevent her accidental infection? Explain your answer.

B. What other common hazards do healthcare practitioners face in a medical office or other medical settings? How would you deal with each?

 Problem 2:  You have recently graduated from a 2-year medical assistant program, have earned certification, and want to apply for the following advertised positions: (1) a CMA in a pediatric clinic and (2) a CMA/receptionist for a physician in private practice. Write letters of application for each position and a résumé to be included with the cover letters. Consider the following questions:

A. What information will you give about your educational, employment, and personal background?

B. If interviewed for the position, how will you follow up?

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Other Subject: What other common hazards do healthcare practitioners face
Reference No:- TGS03344809

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