
What other activities are available for guests on property


How many outlets, names and hours of operations, which meals do each outlet serve, where on property are the outlets located Meeting spaces - overview (how many meeting rooms, total space, types of events), and where are the meeting rooms located on the hotel x toronto? Which event space in the property could accommodate these specific events? meeting for 23 people? Wedding for 195 guests? Conference for 675 attendees? Describe the Hotel Health Club/Pool/Spa facilities - what is included, where is it located around the property etc. What other activities are available for guests on property? Determine the closest tourist attraction to the hotel. Cost comparison of Parking options. Are there any retail outlets or a gift shop? Is there a Business Centre - what services do they provide? If there is no business centre, what office equipment is available for guest use?

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Operation Management: What other activities are available for guests on property
Reference No:- TGS03343698

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