What other actions might you engage in with regard to these

You are a law enforcement officer in Centervale with ten years of experience on your regular beat. While conducting a regular patrol, you notice three men standing near a jewelry store.

As you observe them, you notice that one of them leaves the group to peep into the window of the jewelry store.

He returns and engages in a conversation and then gestures to the store. The other two men also take turns to look into the window of the store and engage in a conversation.

Submission Details:

By the due date assigned, in a minimum of 250 words, post to the Discussion Area your response to the following:

Will you approach these three men to question them? What would you say to them?

What other actions might you engage in with regard to these men?

Why would you take the actions you mentioned above?

Would there be a reason you would not approach these three men?

What could these three men say or do to reduce your suspicions?

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Dissertation: What other actions might you engage in with regard to these
Reference No:- TGS02525298

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