1- List and describe the three fundamental ways that data can be intercepted. How does a physical security program protect against each of these data interception methods?
2- Describe where and how the information security function should be positioned within organizations.
3- Find examples of the Future of Security and post them here.
4- Read the Emergency Preparedness pdf file under the link below or under the Content button's Readings folder.
Answer the following questions under this thread:
• What organization is ultimately responisble?
• Which organization relies most on IT?
• How is the effectiveness of guidance and processes to support IT users during incident management determined?
5- Read the article on Law Enforcement Information Sharing:
Give a summary of the multitude of sources.
6- Please watch this incredible video about The World's Future MEGAPROJECTS and write your comments about the followings:
a. Write critical analysis about at least two topics/projects in this video.
b. Explain how important transportations will be in future and address any possible concerns.
c. Comment on one other student's post.
The World's Future MEGAPROJECTS (2015-2030's):
a- Post at least 2 pros and 2 cons of the Smart Meters for electrical usage.
b- Record your score here and explain where your knowledge or lack there of has come from.
c- Peruse the following PowerPoint Presentation:
Summarize LInX here. What are the nine success factors?
d- Watch this 1 hour video:
Answer the following questions:
• What is a smart grid?
• What is an Internet of Things?
• What are Smart Green Products?
• What is Smarts/AI behind the scenes?
5- Read the pdf article located under Content - Readings - Harnessing Green IT
List the following points under this forum!
1. Major themes
2. Major Issues
3. Major Stakeholders
4. social, legal, and/or ethical issues
5. Results
6. Personal Opinion of additional Solutions
e- Read:
Post your opinion of this article
f- Ready or Waiting?
Page 037
Give your opinion of autonomous vehicles.
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