
What organization have done to increase empowerment levels


We are learning about motivation (also referred to as "engagement"). View the Ted Talk: The Puzzle of Motivation by Daniel Pink. Address the following questions in your initial post:

A. Under what circumstances should firms attempt to manage people using status, wealth and power, and when should they rely on autonomy, mastery and purpose? Explain.

B. Choose one of the following motivation theories presented in the chapter and relate it to Dan Pink's video on Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose. Discuss similarities and differences.

a. Goal-Setting Theory

b. Expectancy Theory

c. Equity Theory

C. Psychological empowerment is energy rooted in the belief that work contributes to some larger purpose.

a. Explain how this relates to Dan Pink's framework.

b. Think about a job that you've held in which you felt very low levels of psychological empowerment. Discuss what the organization could have done to increase empowerment levels?

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Business Management: What organization have done to increase empowerment levels
Reference No:- TGS03225942

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