What one main cause led to the main effect

Problem: In the mid 1600s as navigation shipbuilding medicine and food preservation because came better more and more trade developed between Europe and other parts of the world soon your opinions began drinking large quantities of tea which is caffeinated the extra caffeine allowed many people to think more quickly and gave them more energy for extra activities after work such as reading thusly the common population became more educated which allowed them to understand that their government were abusing them in the mid 1700s the people some English colonies on the eastern coast of North America declared themselves independent of Britain and establish their own country.

1. What one main cause led to the main effect?

2. What would you identify as the middle point where the causes end and the effects begin?

3. What words indicate that there was a cause effect relationship being described here?

4. What state of being is being analyzed here?

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Reference No:- TGS03373711

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