What observations have you made about dating and marriage

Discussion Post: The Color Line & Dating In the SF Bay Area

As a sociologist in training, what observations have you made about dating, marriage, and race and ethnicity? Do people in the San Francisco Bay Area, California in 2019 consider race and ethnicity when sizing up potential daters, setting people up, or when searching for a date/partner online? You can draw upon your own experiences, visit a selection of online dating sites, or conduct informal interviews with your friends/family members/colleagues. How do your experiences and/or observations relate to Chow's argument about spousal preference, the Census Bulletin's attention to trends in identifying as multiracial, or any data and information you are aware of?

The response should include a reference list. One-inch margins, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: What observations have you made about dating and marriage
Reference No:- TGS03208061

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