
What objective in ways that respect human rights

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Health policy can have a major impact on health and well-being. Healthy People 2030 focuses on keeping people safe and healthy through laws and policies at the local, state, territorial, and federal level. Evidence-based health policies can help prevent disease and promote health. For example, smoke-free policies can help prevent smoking initiation and increase quit attempts. Similarly, policies requiring community water systems to provide fluoridated water can improve oral health.

The goal of health policy is to protect and promote the health of individuals and the community. Government officials can accomplish this objective in ways that respect human rights, including the right to self determination, privacy, and nondiscrimination.

Federal policy and funding are the greatest levers available to the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to encourage the integration of primary care and public health on the ground. While persons & families, clinicians, facilities, and measures developers are very important stakeholders, so are other stakeholder groups such as health plan providers, payers, academic researchers, and local, state and federal government agencies.

Despite the use of the value framework, ambiguities still persist in providing definition of the concept value in health policy-making. Understanding the concept of value in health policy-making may provide extra theoretical support to decision-makers in their policy-making process, to help avoid poor policy formulation and wastage of limited resources.

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Reference No:- TGS03383830

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